Grandpa's "Live-Long Day"

Don't let the number of candles fool you, 
my Grandpa is 85 today. 
Over Labor Day weekend we threw two birthday celebrations for him and he got another today. When you turn 85 you should have more than one birthday party! 

On Labor Day afternoon we banished him to the back bedroom while we decorated the house in train theme. 

The table was decorated with little train car gifts (loaded down with Grandpa's favorite type of cargo).
{Aunt Laura added red eyes to her train to give it personality and I kept poking fun that it was a monster train...for the picture I placed a little animal cracker in its grate to be devoured}

We had a brownie train car decorating contest judged by Grandpa. 

and the winner was.....

{Debbie's square wheeled train from the Island of Misfit Toys, Mom's palatial car, and Stephen's alien usurped car}


We formed a line behind Grandpa as he followed a string "railway" around the house leading him to presents and cards decorated as train cars.

Then we shared a most scrumptious lunch, cheered on as Grandpa opened more gifts, and donned our bandanas to see this film.

He reported that this was one of the best birthdays he's ever had. We're happy to have shared it with you Grandpa!