Seventh Brother

This past weekend my youngest brother Stephen played a "townsfolk" suitor in his high school's musical production of Seven Brides for Seven Brothers. He competes with the "brother" Benjamin Pontipee for Dorcas' hand and sadly does not prevail. 

He kind-of had the suavest dance moves on the stage. What was Dorcas thinking? Your loss girl. Your loss.

Have you every seen this 1954 film rendition? My family holds a special affinity for the story because we have seven children in our family. Growing up, my sisters and I watched this movie over and over again, each pretending to be one of the "brides" and Stephen, whether he acknowledged it or not, was assigned the youngest Pontipee brother Gideon.

There is a part in the film where Gideon, after hearing the cry of his newborn nephew, marvels "I'm an Uncle" and faints. EVERY TIME we watched the movie as kids we would stand up during this part, mimic Gideon, and faint. Every time. Family tradition. Funny how things like that get perpetuated.

{These guys look pretty happy for just being passed over for some scroungy backwoodsman}

Look at that stud-muffin.