Mamma Mia: Pregnancy Weeks 19-22

Week 19: I feel baby move!

Week 20: baby is the size of a banana! 

We experience our second ultrasound. Baby blows "bubbles." Our technician circles baby's gender on a slip of paper and seals in an envelope for a surprise reveal later! 

I research natural birthing methods. Natalie at Messy Mom generously answers my questions about her water birth in an inspiring, demystifying blog post

Week 21: Zade feels baby move! 

Week 22: baby is the size of a papaya! 

We look inside our envelope and find out we are having a......

Baby Shaw gender reveal to follow soon! 


We spent a few days at Universal Studios, Orlando while on vacation with
 my sister Sarah and her husband Steve. 

Cuteness happened right after this picture. 

Apparently, Minions like bananas. We'd discovered their obsession in the Despicable Me ride we'd just gotten off.  See what's in Zade's hand? He just so happened to be carrying one left over from breakfast. When this little guy realized his favorite food was in reach he started to waddle after him like a one-eyed Twinkie zombie (they do exist). Thinking about it still makes me smile. 

Have you been? What's your favorite attraction?