
We're the kind of snowbirds that fly north for winter. 

A MLK weekend family getaway in Michigan treated by my always too generous auntie and uncle. 

My little cousin with eyes bright, perched in his tube like a chickadee in nest, eager for every flight downhill. 

We on cross country skis like a procession of waterfowl...some swans smoothly gliding upon the icy grooved snow...others ducklings, contentedly waddling aback. 

As birds of prey, clawing our warm bounty of chili, Grand Traverse cherry crumble pie, and bratwurst, satisfying our voracious, chilled appetites. 

So passed a snowy weekend with my gregarious family flock.  

Northern Michigan: Water + Earth



Isn't my grandma lovely in that first picture? We brought our swimsuits with us on the trip to swim those gray lake waters, but the weekend took a chilly turn. The day we walked the port there were little kids splashing nearby. That is what you call dedication to having fun. 

Knaebe's Apple Farm was the darlingest spot to feed animals and have imaginary adventures with my little cousins! A bit of earth perfection boasting the best of coming autumn. 

Northern Michigan: Cabin + Farm

Labor Day spent snuggly in my uncle's cabin in Northern Michigan. 

Crisp mornings: fresh eggs, sausage, and pancakes drizzled with sweet tapped syrup straight from my uncle's maples. 

Crisp nights: venison charred over the fire, peach cobbler, and marshmallows as big as your fist.

birch trees

and those stars...

Symphony on the Prairie

Since I've been young one of our favorite family traditions has been celebrating the Fourth of July at Symphony on the Prairie.

I am convinced that there is no sweeter place for Independence Day. 

 A field bright with merrymakers ornamented in red, white, and blue... 
brawny patriotic compositions...
blankets set beneath the trees...
grass underfoot...
the setting sun...
lightning bugs...
A firework finale timed to Stars and Stripes Forever...

Buddy lunches add an extra dash of excitement to the festivities. 

Everyone puts their name into a hat and chooses another. A lunch and note is then fixed discreetly as to not give away the name of one's "buddy." We take the secret part very seriously! Last year my little cousin was growling at those who came too close to seeing the card she was drawing. 

I thank God for freedom in this Country. 

Even more, I thank God for freedom in Christ. 

A freedom more glorious than fireworks. 


We spent a few days at Universal Studios, Orlando while on vacation with
 my sister Sarah and her husband Steve. 

Cuteness happened right after this picture. 

Apparently, Minions like bananas. We'd discovered their obsession in the Despicable Me ride we'd just gotten off.  See what's in Zade's hand? He just so happened to be carrying one left over from breakfast. When this little guy realized his favorite food was in reach he started to waddle after him like a one-eyed Twinkie zombie (they do exist). Thinking about it still makes me smile. 

Have you been? What's your favorite attraction? 

Harry Potter World

I've been listening to Harry Potter on CD this last year (finally, the movies make sense!). So, Harry Potter World was on the must-see list for Orlando.

Hogwart's Castle....

Maybe it wouldn't be so bad to go back to school.

Poppin Bertie Bott's every flavour beans and sippin butterbeer is a good way to spend an afternoon.